Spatial Image Analysis.
Vector is a spatial image analysis tool that helps producers and engineers make more informed decisions during mixing and mastering. It helps you to detect and avoid spatial threats such as extreme anti-phase while avoiding false positives that are sometimes given by other tools. It allows you to confidently expand your mix in any spatial direction with advanced psychoacoustic spatialization tools such as 2CAudio's Precedence 1.5 and PBJ System, while also maintaining awareness of mono-compatibility for legacy playback systems. Vector displays a large, beautifully-crafted Lissajous phase-meter together with long-term average level, phase, and panning meters. It also displays large numerical values for the long term averages together with more instantaneous values to instantly give you a full and accurate picture of exactly what is happening in your mix spatially.
Vector is a free gift to the audio community. It's our way of giving something back to an industry we are passionate about. We hope it may help augment general knowledge of spatial mixing topics and assist producers and engineers to make even more engaging audio creations where listeners can truly feel emersed in the music.
Features and Functionality
Vector does not reinvent the wheel; it simply tries to improve it a little. Some of the components found in Vector can be found spread out across other various tools. We didn't invent the ossiloscope of couse. We have simply gathered the relevant tools into a beautifully unified and ergonomic interface that can be used as your central analysis tool for all your spatial mixing needs. Of course, given our obsessive nature we couldn't help ourselves from adding a little of our own special magic!

• A large PhaseMeter/VectorScope/Lissajous-Display that we dare say is one of the most beautiful we've ever seen!
• User control over decay time to adapt to different styles of music
• 15, 30, and 60 Frames Per Second options to give users the ability to balance CPU usage
• Sample Quality options that allow LOW CPU plotting of sparse sample points all the way to...
• 64x Oversampling which effectively plots the analog waveform with perfect continuity!
• User control over line/point drawing thickness
• Optional Blur diffusion effect -- it's mighty pretty!
• A One-Click Mono Check Button
• No more guesswork about how your mix will sound in mono -- just click and check the mono sum.
• A phase meter that can't lie!
• Vector's Phase meter and numerical display show a more accurate representation of true mono compatibility
• It will not generate false positives showing extreme negative values when there is no reason to be concerned
• It will not give false confidence that hard panned signals are perfectly mono-compatible when arguably they are not
• The Tortoise and the Hare
• Software meters historically have used peak values that move very quickly and are mostly meaningless
• Level meters have evolved lately to show peak, RMS, LU, Integrated and other similar long-term values
• Phase and Panning meters have been slow to catch up to such things. We have corrected that oversight with Vector!
• Fast Peak and Slow RMS for the Level Meter values
• Fast and Slow average values for the Phase and Pan Meters
• Slow average values are displayed in large numerical values to instantly provide the information you need to make informed mix decisions
• 2CAudio Chameleon Color and procedural GUI System
• Over 300 different GUI Color themes are offered pre-made
• Dark mode, light mode, contrast modes
• Extreme control over GUI appearance is accessible to users to customize appearance
• 12 different GUI sizes are provided from itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny all the way to MAGA-approved (H)UGE!